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Animal Welfare In The Dairy Industry: An Authoritative Standard Developed And
Available From The Sabs.

The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) recently published the South African National Standard – SANS 1694:2018 relating to the welfare of dairy cattle, which forms part of similar initiatives for other livestock species and production systems of the ‘National Committee SABS/TC1094 Livestock Welfare’. The Standard was prepared by the dairy industry and other knowledgeable representatives in conjunction with SABS officials. It is in compliance with the agreement of
the World Trade Organization (WTO) on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and was compiled taking into consideration documents such as:

  • The IDF Guide to Good Animal Welfare in Dairy Production – 2008
  • Animal Welfare and dairy cattle production systems of the OIE – Terrestrial Animal health Code – 25/7/2017
  • Excerpts from the Dairy Development Initiative – Code for the Primary Industry

The importance of animal welfare is well recognized by dairy producers and they have come to realize that it as an
essential and traceable part of the value chain for the quality of their products to the consumer.
At the national level, concerted efforts are made by the organised dairy industry (Milk SA, MPO and SAMPRO) to raise
awareness on animal welfare standards. The Standard by the SABS [SANS 1694:2018 (The welfare of dairy cattle)] is an
important step in assisting procedures to adhere to minimum criteria of animal welfare and encouraging producers to
incorporate relevant requirements within their overall responsibility towards the health of the dairy herd.

It is advisable that every dairy producer purchase a copy of the Standard: SANS 1694:2018 (The welfare of dairy
cattle). It is available from the SA Bureau of Standards (SABS) in Pretoria.


The dairy sector has one of the smallest carbon footprints per unit of animal product, with a contribution of milk production, processing & transport 2.7% of global emissions. Click here to read more. The emission intensity of milk dropped by almost 11% between 2005 & 2015. Read more about dairy in a low-carbon future: “Climate Change and the Global Diary Cattel sector” a joint report by the FAO and GDP.

The role of ruminants on climate change mitigation, which graphically illustrates
The Differences Between Emissions From Biogenic Methane From Ruminants And
Fossil Fuels Co2.

Read here how the dairy farmers in South Africa are our eco-warriors:

The MPO Nedbank Stewardship Award, supported by the World Wide Fund for Nature, recognises dairy farmers who
are excellent stewards of their product, the people and animals on the farm, and the environment, whilst farming
profitably. The competition was stiff, but Berning walked off with the accolade in the end. The video’s below gave an
overview of the highlights and the unique approach at each farm. They shared, with us, their values, as they are living out
in terms of being good stewards of their natural, social and financial resources.

Sandra Berning: “ The Judges Found That Berning’s Cow And Milking Management,
In Particular, Inter-Calving Period And Cow Longevity, Was Top Notch. With Virtually
No Calf Mortalities, And All The Environmental Stewardship Boxes Ticked, She Sets
A High Standard.“

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